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UK Driving Laws You Might Not Know About


When it comes to driving there are hundreds of different laws that you must abide by, some more obvious than others. In this article you’ll learn about some of the more obscure laws that could catch you out!

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Why are there small black dots on your windscreen?


We all recognise them, but have you ever stopped to think what the little black dots on your windscreen do or why they are there? As it happens, they serve a few important purposes.

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Car Paint Types Explained


Car manufacturers offer many different paint types, all with a variety of names. But what actually is the difference between Solid, Special Solid, Metallic, Pearlescent and Matte?

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Speeding Fines


Despite the 7,500 road casualties reported each year where speed is a contributory factor, and the number of speeding offences rising by 44% in the last five years, it seems that the message still isn’t getting through that ‘speed kills’. The reality is that just a few miles per hour extra can mean the difference between a minor knock, a severe injury or even death.

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Vehicle Leasing Explained Simply


Vehicle leasing is becoming a more popular option than ever, with private consumers and businesses alike taking notice of the numerous benefits that it can offer. In this article we explain car leasing in the simplest of terms and explore just some of the benefits it could offer you.

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Summer Driving


While this summer has delivered mixed blessings in terms of weather so far, the few hot days we have had highlighted some of the potential hazards that come with using your car during a warm spell.

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