What is New Car Smell?

On By George Poland
What is New Car Smell?

For many, one of the best bits about buying a new car is getting to smell the fresh scent of the interior for the first time.

In fact, ‘new car smell’ is so desirable that you can buy air fresheners that attempt to replicate the sacred scent. But what exactly is this smell and why do we like it so much?


What causes 'new car smell'?

Unfortunately, the ingredients behind a new car’s smell aren’t very romantic. Car interiors are made up of a variety of materials, adhesives and sealers. Many of which release what’s known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) via a chemical process called off-gassing. Together, the fumes create the classic new car smell you’ll be familiar with.

Whilst VOCs off-gassing inside a new car you’ve bought isn’t dangerous, it’s not particularly healthy either with many manufacturers opting to use more natural materials in recent years.

Studies in this area have shown that VOCs commonly found in car interiors such as acetaldehyde, ethylbenzene, and styrene may be associated with increased cancer risk, especially in higher doses.

These chemicals can cause headaches, sore throats and drowsiness in some cases when drivers are exposed to the chemicals for long periods.

VOCs decay quickly which is why the smell doesn’t hang around very long, however, research has shown that VOCs may continue to linger silently long after the scent has disappeared.


Why do new cars smell good?

So if a new car’s interior is a concoction of potentially harmful chemicals, why does it smell good?

When new cars are built, every aspect comes under consideration including the smell. In fact, manufacturers put in a lot of work with specialist odour departments to ensure that the materials used for their vehicles combine to create a pleasant fragrance.

These teams make sure that any bad-smelling odours are removed from new cars before they go to market. Scents are tested at hot and cold temperatures so that the cars smell nice in all weather.

Some premium brands have also been known to infuse specialised aromas into the vehicle’s build process to give their models a five-star fragrance.

However, despite all this hard work on the manufacturer’s part, one of the main reasons a new car smells good comes down to psychology.

The purchase of a brand-new vehicle is associated with a sense of pride and accomplishment. A new car smells good because it’s new and you’re excited to finally get to drive it. As Mad Men’s Don Draper once said: “Happiness is the smell of a new car”.

A new car’s fragrance also isn’t too dissimilar to the smell of unboxing a new device or entering a freshly cleaned hotel room – experiences which are also connected to anticipation and achievement.