Are Moderns Cars Too Heavy For Car Parks?

On By George Poland
Are Moderns Cars Too Heavy For Car Parks?

Recent guidance issued by The Institution of Structural Engineers emphasised the need for UK car parks to adapt in order to cope with the increasing size and weight of modern vehicles.

There has been growing concern surrounding car parks built between the 1960s and 1980s which were originally designed for much smaller and lighter cars.

The Institute has highlighted that the design of multi-storey car parks should be carefully considered, given the growing popularity of larger SUVs, electric vehicles (EVs) and cars equipped with more advanced technology.

Chris Whapples, a Fellow of the Institution and one of the leading experts, explained to the Telegraph that numerous multi-storey car parks, out of the estimated 6,000 in the UK, could be struggling to withstand the weight of contemporary vehicles.

He further added that if this issue is ignored, there is a risk of “partial collapse”. However, not all car parks would need to close, just the oldest ones constructed in the 1960s and 1970s that have weakened over time will require adjustments.

Experts have proposed that owners of car parks should engage engineering firms to assess their infrastructure and determine if any reinforcement is needed. However, many owners may prefer to impose weight limits rather than invest in costly strengthening measures.

VW Golf Mk1 (1978) pictured next to the Mk6 (2011)

The research conducted by The Institution of Structural Engineers also highlighted the steady increase in vehicle size over recent years.

These findings are backed up by a 2022 report by motor1 which revealed that car weight has been on the rise since the beginning of the century.

The research stated that between 2001 and 2022, there was a 21% increase in the average curb weight of cars sold in Europe, with the average weight rising from 1,328 kg in 2001 to 1,600 kg today, as per data collected by JATO.

The rise in weight is largely attributed to factors such as the surge in EVs and the growing popularity of SUVs. EVs tend to weigh much more than their petrol-powered counterparts due to the fact they carry heavy battery packs.

Whilst EV ownership continues to rise and car models from major manufacturers continue to grow in both weight and size, car park infrastructure in the UK has largely remained the same and The Institution of Structural Engineers thinks it's time for change.