How to correctly de-ice your windscreen

On By George Poland
How to correctly de-ice your windscreen

On a rushed freezing cold morning the last thing you want to be faced with is a frozen windscreen. The frustration that this can bring could tempt you to use defrosting methods that will end up doing more harm than good.

To ensure that you safely and effectively remove ice from your frozen windscreen this winter, we’ve compiled our top tips to keep your vehicle in good condition.


Turn on your engine

Switching on your car’s ignition is a quick way to heat your car and is something we recommend you should do at the start of the de-icing process.

Be careful with leaving your car unattended whilst it's running, not only could this land you with a fine but you could also be leaving a thief an early Christmas present - this type of crime is called "frosting".


Keep the wipers turned off

The position of your wipers is an important thing to take note of when you park during the colder months. If you leave your wipers halfway across your screen, they could get frozen in place and will be damaged when you turn your wipers on in the morning.

When de-icing you should avoid turning your wipers on straight away because of this reason, even if they are down in position.


Use de-icer and a scraper

Every year de-icing ‘life hacks’ will circulate online, showing off methods that include pouring boiling water and rubbing sliced potatoes across your windows.

Despite the intrigue of these methods, the safest and most reliable way to get ice off of your windscreen is by using the tried and tested de-icer alongside a good scraper. These products have been designed specifically for clearing ice from your car and are safe against your vehicle’s paintwork. Make sure that you use a proper scraper too, makeshift items could leave scratches and marks. 

We especially recommend that you don’t use boiling water, even if you are in a rush, because the sudden temperature change on the glass surface can cause it to crack.  


Turn on the A/C

Turning on the air conditioning and turning up the blowers will dry the air in your car as well as heating your windscreen from the inside. Some vehicles have special de-icing settings and heated windscreens which are more effective.


Park closer to your house

If possible, parking so that your windscreen is closer to your house could be beneficial. Houses are a source of heat during the winter and so by keeping your car close by, you can help to prevent it from freezing over.


Invest in a windscreen frost cover

A simple frost windscreen cover can do a good job at preventing ice. Just leave the covering on your car when you park so that in the morning you’re ready to go.


Lease a car with a heated windscreen

Many of the latest car models come with features such as a heated windscreen that are especially effective at demisting and de-icing your windows.

At Bridle Vehicle Leasing we lease a wide range of the newest vehicles on the market. If you’re interested in a new car, see our special offers here.


Don’t drive until all your windows are clear

If you’re in a morning rush, it can be very tempting to set off when your windows haven’t fully demisted. Driving any distance whilst there's still ice on your windows that's impeding your vision is not recommended and can put you and other motorists in danger.

We want everyone to keep safe on the roads this winter, see our article on top winter driving tips here for more information.